The environmental and social problems from landfills of developing countries cannot be ignored anymore, let alone for their unreported methane emissions.
Studies in relation to land degradation, attributable to poor waste management, are estimated at 0.6 percent of total GDP. For a country like Moldova with its current population this represents a cost of over $64.5M per year; for Armenia a cost of $71M.
Studies also estimated that the under performance of environmental policies because of authorities’ failure to implement many of their own legal provisions on landfills and other environmentally sensitive issues translated into total environmental health loss costs of $175M in 2016 for Armenia; for Moldova that cost is over $159M per year.
Government’s decision makers should seriously reconsider spending money on building landfills that generally have a mere 25-year lifespan in the 21st century. Landfills are not an appropriate answer to climate change while more sustainable alternatives exist like ours.
The whole concept of Waste to Energy in order to take the “new gold” that is the trash of past decades to make electricity or liquid gas, while applicable in rich countries IS NOT financially sound when it comes to underdeveloped countries. The starting capital necessary to build such plants will make such endeavor a financial failure and a future tax burden for the country and every citizen. A study by the World Bank in 2015 reaches the same conclusion.
The use of the Enzymes Solution Technology with its specific procedures was performed in the city of Garni in Armenia. It proved to get rid of all organics contained in a 40 year old landfill. Getting rid of flies, rodents and despicable smells. Leaving the field with plastics, glass and metals to be recycled. Producing organic class fertilizers in both liquid and solid forms.